Monday, 14 March 2016

Free our system from impurities to gain strength

Importance of digestive system in immune power

The digestive system is a set of organs which converts food into energy and  nutrients which are must for the   entire function of body. After this, body eliminates unused waste material. Up to a limit liver and kidney can remove harming chemicals. But sometimes unwanted,undigested  parts are not eliminated, which rest in digestion system. That  will become harmful for us.This is the starting point of every deceases. 

If our digestion  system is working normally, immune system will be healthy.When it weakens, every system weakens. So,its important, eat for body not for taste.

                                                                                                                                                       Intestinal cleansing is an best way to boost our digestion system and thus  the whole body. Adding foods like lemon, garlic, avocado, green tea, basil, any leafy greens, mushrooms  can clean the digestive system.

 Green tea   have the ability to remove  toxin from our digestion system and thus improves our bowel functions.  lemon tea in empty stomach  daily, cleanse our intestine. Leafy vegetables with its chlorophyll sticks  intestinal walls, thus stops the bacterial growth. Turmeric even remove toxins from body. .

 Mushrooms contains  Dietary fibre which helps in digestion. White Gourd will help to remove undigested fats.

Add more vegetables and fruits in diet. Avoid non veg, which is hard to digest. Boiled fish   can be taken,its easy to digest.