Monday 21 January 2019

Boosting Immune system

The contents of food,  we consume acts in our body. Depends upon the contents it acts positively or negatively. 

So before consuming any food, let us decide whether we want health or taste.

Any modification to the natural food passes through a chemical change. In this process it loses not only its natural capacity to support our body, but also changes to destroy the body.
So it's better to take the natural foods. 

Certain foods will help keep our immune system strong.

Vitamin C is very important in it. 

vitamin C is so good to resist cold. It will boost the production of white corpasils,  fighters of infections.

Try to include Citrus fruits like grapes,orange, lemon daily, because  our body doesn't produce or stores  Vitamin C.

Red bell peppers also contains  vitamin C as citrus and wonderfully twice  of it. . Red bell pepper also contains  beta carotene, which will help our eyes and skin healthy.

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Mentally prepare to have more boldness

The habit of telling Our self off subtly shapes a nature of sorrow. Instead, let us talk to our-self gently, with patience, as one would do to a child.

Mind is a good friend of us but it doesn't know which is good and bad. Follow it and tell  it where to look and react.

Tell it which is needed food  for our body, and I assure you, it  will never ask anything more than that. 

If we began to exercise like  this, health will boost like a rock. 

More over,  all mental  qualities like hypnosis starts here. Become a close friend of mind and enjoy the so called miracle qualities of mind.


Tuesday 16 October 2018

Silence, happiness, love and blessings are very  important aspects for immune system.

Happiness will lead to good health. The hormones  in the body at such emotions  are positive  for immune. 

This is the only medicine, we can give  to our self. Keep our mind to get free from negative  emotions.

 Bad emotions  brings  illness to ourselves through anger, greed, unfulfilled desires, expectations, suppressions etc. 

Closely watch  in our heart, we will know where your illness is really coming from. 

There are three important aspects/steps for a long and healthy life.

Live with attention but without worry. Always be at present, be a guide, friend   to mind to help it to be present. 
Use time in a good way. Always be alert.  Do good things for us or for someone else.

 Keep our thoughts pure, positive and filled with joy.   Learn and teach our mind how to avoid interactions with outer world and live like a king over emotions.

If we can live like this way,  high immune power will be with us. 

Monday 8 October 2018

Relax, enjoy the free flow of life.

The more positive the thoughts flowing through our mind, the more contented we will feel. It is easy to feel contented when we are praised and appreciated by others, but to remain contented when we are being criticized and rejected is the mark of real spiritual strength.

Again repeating more  psychologically we improves, hormone balances in us, results more immune power.



Friday 7 September 2018

Be Healthy Be Happy by clicking here and knowing the structure of mind

A balanced Hormone existence  is a must for  good immune power.

Emotions as well as actions inside our  body, both are very well  linked  with hormones. If  hormones are  balanced immunity, and mental stability  is assured.

 All emotional variations are due to the hormone variations.

(The hormone quality and quantity can be altered by our thoughts.  This we can present at another time.)

 Hormonal changes happens too much  at the time of  puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

Lack of nutrition,old age, too much hard work, tension and stress,  toxins from the food are causes for  hormonal imbalance.Anxiety, quick anger, too much weight or less,headache, insecurity are  some of the result of this imbalance.

Omega-3 fatty acids which we gets from our food has a vital role  in balancing  hormones.

They are particularly beneficial for women as they help reduce menstrual  problems. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property in it  have a good effect on our health.

some good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are oily fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, soy beans, tofu, winter squash and olive oil.

Maca root and mushroom are  rich in  adaptogen that boosts normal hormone production. Both are good for overall  health.

Chaste berry  is excellent  for menstrual problems. By stimulating the pituitary gland, it regulates the balance of estrogen and progesterone.

Saturday 1 September 2018

Kiwi fruits is a Power House for our entire body.

If we want to be healthy, free from all, and  like a bird,  our body must be healthy.

Are we eating for our body or for our pleasure? Help body, it will help us back.

Benefits of Kiwi fruits:

Kiwis are enriched with antioxidants, vitamins, fibers, potassium, actinidin  and folates.

It's good for asthma patients. Plenty of fibers and actinidin  will help digestion system.  Vitamin C helps to strengthen immune system. It helps to lover the high blood pressure and lover the risk of stroke  and heart attack.

The Zeaxanthin and lutein in Kiwi protect eyes from vision loss.

So it's better to include  such fruits.