Friday, 7 September 2018

Be Healthy Be Happy by clicking here and knowing the structure of mind

A balanced Hormone existence  is a must for  good immune power.

Emotions as well as actions inside our  body, both are very well  linked  with hormones. If  hormones are  balanced immunity, and mental stability  is assured.

 All emotional variations are due to the hormone variations.

(The hormone quality and quantity can be altered by our thoughts.  This we can present at another time.)

 Hormonal changes happens too much  at the time of  puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

Lack of nutrition,old age, too much hard work, tension and stress,  toxins from the food are causes for  hormonal imbalance.Anxiety, quick anger, too much weight or less,headache, insecurity are  some of the result of this imbalance.

Omega-3 fatty acids which we gets from our food has a vital role  in balancing  hormones.

They are particularly beneficial for women as they help reduce menstrual  problems. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property in it  have a good effect on our health.

some good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are oily fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, soy beans, tofu, winter squash and olive oil.

Maca root and mushroom are  rich in  adaptogen that boosts normal hormone production. Both are good for overall  health.

Chaste berry  is excellent  for menstrual problems. By stimulating the pituitary gland, it regulates the balance of estrogen and progesterone.

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